Livres en anglais

Hope in Times of Challenge: Overcoming the Pandemic of Fear (latest release)
If you wish THINGS WOULD JUST GET BACK TO NORMAL!!!! Then this book is for you. It will give you short, concise ideas and activities to help you overcome the pandemic of FEAR, to be hopeful in times of challenge, and to feel secure in a world which seems to be coming apart. You’ll be able to take control of your anxieties and fears by practicing simple, easy to learn methods that can be used anytime, anywhere and by being prepared!

How to Raise a Star Child
This book helps parents identify their special child and provides guidelines in raising these wonderful children who are among us. Star children are being born in increasing numbers. The author has met many of them in her travels and uses her personal experiences as well as concrete examples to convey a powerful message.

Mamma said
The author has compiled her mother's wisdom into this little book. It grew out of the question of what had she learned from her mother There are hints about how to enjoy life, as well as profound insights into justice, compassion, and choices. Mamma was a wise woman from whom we can all learn and profit. She died happy at the age of 94. Her long life with all its ups and downs can serve you well as a compass for your own.
Mamma's attitude can be summed up in the following saying: "It's okay to color outside the lines."

Celestine's Recipe: A Half-Baked Adventure
An amusing take-off on New Age spiritual adventure novels. Join Celestine in her search for the ultimate meatless, wheatless, beanless chili recipe, as she goes on a zany trip meeting odd folks along the way.
If you want a distraction from the reality of everyday life, join in on the fun!

Becoming real
Each person has a unique space to fill on earth and this book gives you suggestions, meditations, and exercises to follow in order to actualize your full potential.
The Angelic channeled material, using an approach called "practical spirituality", will enable you to apply spiritual truths in everyday life

In Sane Happiness
Philosophers, angels, and clowns tumble over each other in amusing ways. Profound thought is mingled with simple fun - based on the concept that if you want to be happy, you have to lose your mind. This book is truly insane and will take you on a strange journey - sometimes leading to belly laughs and other times pointing out life’s absurdities..

Space Between the Colors: How to Live When Your Child Dies
The purpose of this book is to enable parents, whose children have died, to understand the grief process and to recommit to leading productive lives.
It covers the three stages of grief - shock, disorganization, and reorganization and gives helpful information about the process. The main focus is on new beginnings - how a parent can reinvest in his or her own life after this devastating event. It is primarily addressed to parents, however, therapists and others in the helping professions should find valuable material in it as well.

Heavenly Contacts: How to communicate with loved ones on the "other side"
Practical guidelines for learning how to recognize "contact" from other dimensions and how you can "speak" directly to those on the other side. It also covers ways to communicate with guides and angels and how to make your loved ones feel welcomed. Phoebe explains how she communicates with those on the other side and gives examples.

The Miracle Diet: Stop Fooding Around
You will discover how to have more positive thoughts about yourself and others, how to stop carrying around the excess baggage of your unforgiven past, and how to look upon yourself with grace, appreciation, and love.
Self-acceptance, forgiveness, a shift in perception, affirming the good in yourself and others – these are the things you'll find in this book. A steady diet of positive thought will do you more good than any diet ever will.